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Affiliate Offer Converter (AOC)

Feeling like your offers are not converting as well as they should? AOC provides our best bonuses, already proven to convert, and already done for you. Select from 3 different PAID workshops I have hosted, and make them part of your offers, turning them into irresistible assets. Best part is... not only have these workshops been sold separately, but they helped me and my customers close tens of thousands of dollars when they were offered as bonuses, over and over again.

  • Done for you bonuses, proven to convert.

    Sometimes, your leads are just right, but there's a little nudge they need to convert. AOC will give you that nudge, and get you customers you would otherwise lost.

  • Stand out from competition.

    The #1 thing you want to do as an affiliate is stand out. Our bonuses will not only make your offer more valuable, but it will make you unique, and it will get your leads to buy from you vs your competitors.

  • An irresistible offer is the first step to sales

    All your marketing endeavors will fall flat if you keep burning leads because your offer isn't quite good enough. You can solve this problem in under 30 minutes, literally today, when you get done for you bonuses that are proven to convert leads into buyers.


Grab it at 30% off!

"Almost all of my sales came from AOC"

With using AOC I have used it in almost all my sales and offers so at least 15k in sales that I have used it for offers.

Tracy Savill

"Almost 10k month"

AOC was one of the things that actually helped me cross my first (almost) 10k month by landing $9,750 in 30 days!


Instant Avatar Clarity

Many affiliates are stuck in learning about their avatar the old way. Making a list of demographics and psychographics, thinking they 'got it..' This couldn't be further from the truth.

When I first realised that avatar has much more layers to it, and once I figured those layers out, it literally got my business from 0 to 6 figures and beyond. More importantly, it helped my clients that were stuck with no sales, to start making sales, and even cross 5 and multiple 5 figures.

What's super interesting that everything else you do, sell, or post stems from customer avatar.

  • Get clarity on WHO you should sell to

    Demographics and
    psychographics are maybe 8% of avatar.
    Unlock other 92% and turn the crickets you get on content and offers into predictable sales with newfound clarity.

  • Necessary foundation
    The entire foundation of one's business starts with your customer avatar. If your foundation is bad, everything else will fall apart like a send castle. I will guide you to setting the right foundation, brick by brick, and you watch your business tranforms.

  • Get more leads from content and sales from offers
    As we have said, EVERYTHING starts from your customer avatar. Your content and your offers need to fit it exactly. #1 reason people lack sales is the lack of clarity on the avatar. Unlock in once and for all, and get more leads and more sales as a by-product of this newfound knowledge.


Grab it at 30% off!

"My results speak for themselves!"

Learning about customer avatar from Miodrag was one of the main things that actually allowed me to cross $10,000 as a beginner, only 4 months into my business!

Stevan Savic

"Multiple 5-figures with help of this"

Until I got clearer about my customer avatar, I was struggling to make sales. Learning it from Miodrag was one of the crucial pivoting moments for me that later allowed me to run my multiple 5 figure business!

Alenka Vojinic


Offer Audit Intensive

One of the things I found online is that different affiliates have literally the same offer, but drastically different results. It stands to reason that oftentimes, it's not just the offer that's the problem, but how and when you present it, structure it, and introduce it.

I took 6 different offers and got them to multiple 5 figure level. I learned that by following a simple, proven framework, you can turn almost any product that has merit, into successful irresistible offer your leads would gladly buy at sight. I want to hand guide you to success.

  • From Cricket Offer To Converting Beast
    Sometimes, what stands between a powerful offer that brings customers and the one that brings 'I'll think about it' are few simple tweaks. On our call, we make yours the former.

  • 4-Figures In A Week

    It wasn't once that I helped my clients made some offer changes that got them 4-figure profit in a single week after the insights that I shared with them.

  • A Winning Offer

    Do you know how every time there are few affiliates that crush all others with the same product they all sell?
    It is because they turn the same product into a winning offer. I will show you an outline on how to do just that and make this one of the most profitable hours you ever spent.


Grab it at 30% off!

$4400 after one hour call

After just making one offer tweak as recommended by Miodrag on our one-on-one call, I have managed to close $4400 in just 5 days after our session.

Gareth Knipe

$6,700+ in 4 weeks

Miodrag shared some powerful offer tweaks to be made with my offer, and in the next 3-4 weeks, I have crossed $6,700!


New around here?

Hi there, my name is Miodrag + I help Affiliates Monetize Their Content And Offers

I have been working full-time online for over two and a half years, and in that time I crossed multiple 6 figures online. I'm CEO and founder of companies Miodrag Digital and Miodrag Milenkovic PR Meta.

I have worked with a lot of affiliates, and helped them:
Leave their job

Cross 6 figures

Cross multiple 5 figures

Make their first high ticket sales, and more.

I do this by helping them tweak their offer, their avatar, offers, and optimize their content to conversions.